In what genre do you write for the most part? All things Middle Grade! I just love the quirky, fun feel you can get away with in middle grade novels. My primary focus right now is fantasy, but I’ve also been dabbling in mystery, paranormal, and realistic fiction.
Give us a brief synopsis of your book(s)When 13 year-old Penelope Gilbert accidentally transforms into a stapler during math class, she’s sure she’s going crazy. But she’s not imagining the men in black suits now patrolling the halls at school, nor is she imagining the new substitute teacher who orders the class to take a special new test. A test that requires blood. Hunted for her powers, and torn from the life she knows, Penny is swept up into a world in the clouds where magic meets machine and pirates rule the sky.
When did you start writing? I've been writing stories pretty much since I can remember. I created a whole series when I was about seven or eight about a monster family. The mother was always yelling for the kids to come to dinner, the kids were always jumping on the bed, and the main character was prone to bonking his head on everything. Apparently when you are seven, bonking you head on things is the peak of hilarity.
What inspired you to write? Reading! From the time I learned what a book was, I wanted to make my own. Plus I just loved telling stories. One of my earliest memories is telling bedtime stories to my mom and brother until they fell asleep. Then I would continue to tell the story even when there was no one to listen. I even used to tell stories to God because I figured he got tired of just hearing everyone’s problems all day.
If your books were made into a movie, who would play the roles? Maybe a young Michelle Trachtenberg for the part of my main character Penelope Gilbert. If a time machine isn’t available, I could see Rowan Blanchard from Girl meets world.
What would be your choice for a superpower?The ability to morph into anything! My desire for this superpower helped inspire my characters abilities in my book.
Who is your favorite author? Roald Dahl. His books are just so imaginative and I love all the quirky, fun characters he’s created.
What are you reading now? I’m currently reading The Death Cure by James Dashner. It’s been a pretty exciting read, and I am anxious to know how it turns out.
Who is your favorite character to write? I have a ship captain in my book named Captain Griswold that I really enjoyed creating. He is a somewhat clumsy/scatterbrained smuggler who has a mechanical leg and a fun pirate accent. Arrr matey!
Do you have a writing process?

I almost always have to leave the house and go to the library or a coffee shop. I just can’t concentrate when I can see things around me that need done. When I write I also use practically no outline. I just create characters, have a loose idea of where I want the story to go, and let things unfold. It keeps things interesting.
What do you do when you aren’t writing?
Lately I have been spending a lot of time playing my kids new favorite pastime, TICKLE MONSTER. Of course I’m always the monster. This is quite exhausting. I don’t know how their little legs can run so fast or how they never seem to get tired.
What advice would you give to an aspiring author?
What do you do when you aren’t writing?
Lately I have been spending a lot of time playing my kids new favorite pastime, TICKLE MONSTER. Of course I’m always the monster. This is quite exhausting. I don’t know how their little legs can run so fast or how they never seem to get tired.
What advice would you give to an aspiring author?
Keep refining your work. Don’t shut your ears to criticism, but don’t listen to everyone either. If more than one person points out the same thing, better take a strong look and consider their advice. Also, don’t give up! I think that’s the biggest thing that sets authors apart from those who aspire to write. They just didn’t give up.
What sets your books apart from others of the genre?
What method do you use to publish your books for those of us who might not know how?
My book is being published traditionally through a publisher called Clean Reads, but there are many paths to publication! I would highly recommend looking into various Twitter pitch parties. That’s how I found my current publisher.
Where can we find your book?
What sets your books apart from others of the genre?
What method do you use to publish your books for those of us who might not know how?
My book is being published traditionally through a publisher called Clean Reads, but there are many paths to publication! I would highly recommend looking into various Twitter pitch parties. That’s how I found my current publisher.
Where can we find your book?
Best-selling author of Wake the Dead! On Amazon Kindle here!
All Artwork and covers of my works by William J. Kenney & Carlos Cara
All maps, names and content copyright Ashenclaw Studios 2014 unless otherwise noted.
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