Wednesday, July 25, 2012

First Review of Secrets of the Ebonite Mines!

First review for Secrets! Thanks, James!

's review
Jul 24, 12

5 of 5 stars false
Read from July 11 to 23, 2012

Secrets of the Ebonite Mines picks up right where Covenant of the Faceless Knights left off, finding our group of heroes still on the trail of the stolen artifact. Through a series of events, the heroes stumble upon the trail of the artifact and set off to try and complete their quest. Meanwhile, the dark powers behind the problems rising in the realm continue to consolidate their power and plot their conquest of the different kingdoms.

The characters again are the driving force in this epic fantasy novel. Each character, both the good and the evil, are crafted with such detail that it becomes easy to picture them in your mind as well as understand their hopes and desires. Gary Vanucci does an excellent job of expanding on the heroes backgrounds while at the same time catching up those that might have forgotten about certain aspects of each character or that have missed the first book in the series or the collection of short stories for each of them. New characters are also introduced, and Gary Vanucci does an excellent job of providing them with just as much personality as he did with the original characters.

The battles, of which their are plenty, create the appropriate amount of tension and excitement. Again instead of mashing all of the different character's fights into a few paragraphs, the author breaks up the fights into each characters perspective. This not only allows the fights to go into greater detail, but it also generates a great deal more tension for the reader as it puts you right in the eyes of that particular character. You can really feel each parry, dodge, and would inflicted in each fight.

Overall, Secrets of the Ebonite Mines is a great continuation of a series that is both fascinating and entertaining. I would recomend you pick up Gary Vanucci's first book in the series or his collection of short stories first, as all of the stories combined really help you feel connected to the wonderful characters the author has created.

 Please join me and the other amazingly talented authors over @ Skulldust Circle where we have formed a Writer's Circle that must be seen--a collection of brilliant, up & coming independently published speculative fiction authors with much to give both now and in the future!

All of my work can be found on AMAZON -- Kindle versions here

See you in Wothlondia! Cheers!

Please visit MY HOME PAGE to enjoy an extended reading experience, see direct links to purchase my full length novel, Covenant of the Faceless Knights, the short stories: Wothlondia Rising, and to see what else Ashenclaw Studios, LLC has in store in the future!

All maps, names and content copyright Ashenclaw Studios 2012 unless otherwise noted.

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