Now, I don’t assume that all of you have read the books, or even Clash of Kings (which I am finished as of today), but suffice to say, it is pretty close to the book. Some details change, but the characters eventually end up where they are along the journey.
Since I have not discussed this at all, I wanted to see what you all think of the story so far, or perhaps even the prose of Mr. Martin, who does a phenomenal job of painting a picture with words. And, I have stated this before: Martin can take the mundane, make it sound interesting, and never deter from the story…as a matter of fact, he somehow makes it more interesting! God bless you, George!
Spoiler Alert! From here on, we discuss the story, so turn back now if you have not finished!
So the story progresses and we find that, in short, that Geoffrey, Cersei and Theon are still (insert name here for something derogatory). Littlefinger and Varys are still at their mind games and now have some competition as Tyrion comes to King’s Landing.
Rob is a bit boring this season, as is his mother, Catelyn. Even the wedding is lackluster. Sansa is getting good advice from the Queen and Littlefinger on how to be a better liar. The two boys are trying to escape from Theon late in the season as not much happens in Winterfell in general. Arya is holed up in the den of the enemy, interacting with Tyrion (in the show anyway) and learns much from him, too. She also meets the assassin Jagen H’gar. Super cool. I love the character. He is death incarnate. Stannis is trying to get the crown after he has Melisandre go to him and spew forth a shadow demon that kills Renly, and then she shows him the way in her fires at the end of episode 10. Davos, the ex-pirate, continues to somehow be the voice of reason. Kind of a cool twist. Daenerys' scenes were good, just sparsely populated. I would have liked to have seen more of this storyline, though it is underplayed in the novel, too. The Tyrells make their way into the castle and into the Lannister lives with Margaery set to wed Geoffrey. And Jon is on the wall, meets Ygritte and has an amazing encounter with Qhorin Halfhand. Did I miss anything? Probably.
Okay, now…speaking of cool characters, I do not know where to begin. I have saved the best for last and let me know if I miss anything or anyone. Tyrion is on an island by himself and Peter Dinklage rocks the role (pun intended). Jagen H’gar. Awesome. What else can you say about him? The Hound. Cold blooded killer and not afraid to admit it. He and Bronn interacting in the beginning of episode 9 I believe was a phenomenally powerful scene and showed signs of things to come perhaps.

Drogo coming back even if for a few lines was awesome and saying, “And if it is a dream, I will kill the man who tries to wake me.”
Now, the best of them all…Jaime and Brienne. Their interaction is epic. I cannot say enough about their interactions in the last few episodes. “Is that a woman?” and “Where did you find this beast?”
Best lines –paraphrasing of course:
Tyrion about how the people are rebelling against the Lanisters and someone calls him a 'Demon Monkey':
Bronn: 'They blame you for the city's ills.'
Tyrion: 'Blame me? I'm trying to save them!'
Bronn: 'You don’t need to convince me.'
The Hound to Bronn: 'Killing's the thing you love. You’re just like me…only smaller.'
Oh, and the best line of them all from season one, Cersei to Eddard Stark: 'When you play the game of thrones, you win or you die.'
Oh, and today is the last FREE day of KDP Select Promotion for my Wothlondia Rising short story ~ ƬЄƛƦƧ ƠƑ ƁԼƠƠƊ ~ 5 ★ Fantasy/Horror
Photos found somewhere on the web!
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I was reading the third installment of The Game of Thrones, Of Song and Ice, I must say that it became confusing when watching the HBO series. So much happens in the book that I can't wait for next season to come even though they just finished. My favorite character is also Tyrion, who looks better than described in the books, and I like Sansa and Arya who under such harsh condition are still alive and learning how unfair the world really is.
ReplyDeleteAgreed, Darlene and thanks for stopping by to comment! Tyrion played be Dinklage is a much more dashing representation than I would have thought. I pictured a misshapen thing with 2 different colored eyes that was truly hideous! And yes, the girls are learning some very important life lessons I'd say! I will be reading A Storm of Swords after I finish a few other books on my docket! All the best and please stop by our writer's circle and follow us over there: Cheers!