As it states, it's simply a few feelings i had after watching the movie: Batman vs. Superman: Dawn of Justice, not really a full review.
It was not really what I expected to be honest. Still not sure how I feel about it. It definitely had a 'we're trying to cram a ton of stuff into one movie so that we can move on with the DCEU cinematic storytelling and try to compete with Marvel' kind of feel, despite having been worked on for years
It had some outstanding scenes, excellent special effects, and some top notch acting, even from Henry Cavill, (who I did not like in Man of Steel) but seemed to turn it up a notch in this one.
The good: Alfred, Lois Lane, Perry White and several of the peripheral players. Thye gave the movie some depth. The files of Flash, Wonder Woman, Cyborg and Aquaman had me excited as well. Oh, and Wonder Woman...did I mention her?
The Bad: the final fight scenes, the lack of eye-popping color and the overall snail's pace of the beginning of the movie (the setup).

Final disappointment note - the universe and settings seemed very 2-dimensional, which actually detracted from the acting performances.
Final hopeful note - Batman. He kicked some serious ass, especially the warehouse scenes, and I really appreciated his apathy toward the criminal element.
Anyway, see for yourself and chat about it with me.
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