George, tell us a little bit about you....
I was born in Brooklyn, N.Y., raised on Long Island, and moved to Indiana in 1989. I am a natural born triplet, and one of nine children. I was an introvert until I moved to Indiana.
Tell us about your books/What genre do you consider your books?
The genre is YA fantasy. While kids eleven and up really enjoy my books, adults derive pleasure reading them too. All four (soon to be five) Arcadis books are based on a very powerful sorcerer who goes through a metamorphosis to attain god-like power. In the beginning of the sorcery world there existed three primary colored powers; Red, blue, and yellow. Before lord quill's ascension to head sorcerer, it was mandated you had to marry outside their respective color. When lord quill took control, he ruled no primary colored power may be allowed to marry another primary colored power. Hence a dilution occurred. When a blue powered sorcerer married a yellow powered sorcerer, the baby was green powered, and considered a secondary power, and so on.
When did you start writing?
I started writing in the fifth grade when my teacher started to read Treasure Island in a pirate accent. My mind wandered, and I started doodling on paper.
Why do you write?
I started to write for various reasons. I needed an outlet with my overactive creativity, and writing was a release mechanism. Then I wrote articles to get paid. But, by far the best reason I enjoy writing is because people seem to really like my books.
What would be your choice for a superpower?
Mind control. It used to be super strength like Superman, but after watching Jessica Jones on Netflix, I changed my mind. To have anyone doing anything you want would be fun, but ultimately scary!
Who is your favorite author? Jim Butcher of the Dresden Files and David B. Coe. (Spellblind and In His Father's Eyes).
What are you reading now? Right now I am reading how to write a screenplay. I will explain why with the project question.
Who is your favorite character to write?
Arcadis, of course!
Do you have a writing process?
No. I don't pick a particular room, or time. When I have free time, I write. It doesn't matter where I am, if I have an idea, I have to write it down so I won't forget. (Because it's happened).
What advice would you give to an aspiring author?
Never, ever, ever give up. Write what you know, and take your creativity to the next level.
What inspired you to pursue writing?
When I found out I was good enough to get paid to write articles. Then it elevated to book writing.
What are your favorite TV shows/Movies to watch in between writing?
Blacklist, Supergirl, N.C.I.S., The Flash, Daredevil, and Jessica Jones.
What are your current projects?

Do you have anything specific that you want to say to readers?
Yes. If you enjoy my books, or any other books, writing a good review helps writers tremendously! It helps us get recognized more.
Quick Fire:
Cats or dogs?
Cats. We have a 20 year old cat.
Coffee or tea?
Favorite food?
My mom's Pot roast chicken.
Vanilla or chocolate ice-cream?
Chocolate, but vanilla is a close second.
What are 3 things you never leave home without?
Kissing my wife and daughter good bye, a positive attitude, and my coffee!
Laptop or desktop?
Laptop all the way. I've written when I am getting an oil change and various other places. You can't do that with a desktop.
Who are 3 famous people you would to hang out with?
Jim Butcher, Thomas Jefferson, and Benjamin Franklin.
TV or Movies?
I love both equally as they have their strong points.
Visit me on my AMAZON AUTHOR PAGE to borrow any of my books for FREE!
Best-selling author of Wake the Dead! On Amazon Kindle here!
All Artwork and covers of my works by William J. Kenney & Carlos Cara
All maps, names and content copyright Ashenclaw Studios 2014 unless otherwise noted.

Cats. We have a 20 year old cat.
Coffee or tea?
Favorite food?
My mom's Pot roast chicken.
Vanilla or chocolate ice-cream?
Chocolate, but vanilla is a close second.
What are 3 things you never leave home without?
Kissing my wife and daughter good bye, a positive attitude, and my coffee!
Laptop or desktop?
Laptop all the way. I've written when I am getting an oil change and various other places. You can't do that with a desktop.
Who are 3 famous people you would to hang out with?
Jim Butcher, Thomas Jefferson, and Benjamin Franklin.
TV or Movies?
I love both equally as they have their strong points.
Visit me on my AMAZON AUTHOR PAGE to borrow any of my books for FREE!
Best-selling author of Wake the Dead! On Amazon Kindle here!
All Artwork and covers of my works by William J. Kenney & Carlos Cara
All maps, names and content copyright Ashenclaw Studios 2014 unless otherwise noted.

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